Framer Prefabs is entirely open source. The initiative aims to supplement the patterns and functionality that Framer lacks, building on these to enable many to produce operational elements without sacrificing accessibility. This endeavor is the passion project of a dedicated minority. Its triumph hinges entirely on community backing. Our hope is that you might contemplate giving a contribution of any amount to ensure the sustained vitality and evolution of the project in response to Framer's changes and beyond.

Why go open source?

We decided to adopt an open-source model for several compelling reasons. First, we understand the discomfort associated with relying on third-party libraries that are not openly accessible. Full control over the code is crucial, especially when deploying it in client projects or other sensitive applications, where transparency and adaptability are key.

Secondly, we noticed a significant oversight in many existing solutions regarding accessibility. Often, accessibility seems to be an afterthought or is completely overlooked. We believe that software should be usable by everyone, and our open-source approach allows us to prioritize and improve accessibility features continuously.

Lastly, we found that many component libraries offered limited customization options, restricting developers to predefined styles or cumbersome code overrides. Our open-source library addresses this by providing flexible, easy-to-use components that empower developers to create without constraints.

By going open source, we aim to provide immediate value to the community, ensuring that everyone has the freedom to use, modify, and distribute our solutions without barriers.

How can I support?

There are multiple methods through which you can support this project. The simplest and most direct method would be to make a donation via our donation link. Spreading awareness is another great way to help. Share our work on Twitter (X) or discuss us on the Framer community forum. Assisting through contributions is also welcomed — check out our contribution documents for details.

Is this a component library?

Yes it is but also no its not. Technically, this is a component library as all prefabs are coded framer components. However, they do not include any visual aspects such as styles or animations. The design and application of these are left in the hands of you, the user and adopter of the prefab. It can be likened more to a framework enabling construction of components natively in framer with the added advantages of accessible and functional patterns.

How can we stay up to date?

We're maintaining a project on GitHub where we monitor requests and tasks. You're welcome to stay updated via this link https://github.com/users/BrianAA/projects/3/views/1. You can also just read out latest release. Should you have ideas, feel free to initiate a discussion by creating an issue. Our perfection isn't absolute, so progress in our open-source initiative is driven by discourse and contributions. Link to create a issue:https://github.com/BrianAA/framerPrefabs/issues/new

Can I use these prefabs in Client projects or ui Kits for sale?

Yes! that's the wonderful aspect of open source. It's available to everyone, modifiable, and can be utilized in any way you see fit. We kindly request, if possible, a donation or at least a reference to our documentation site, a shout out anything really helps keep the project alive. This ensures others are aware of our project and can also benefit from it. Although it may seem so, this project isn't entirely cost-free. There are associated expenses like website maintenance. See our license agreement

Will you be adding more prefabs?

Yes, that's the strategy. Based on the community feedback and the success of this open source project, there will be further enhancements. We are optimistic about creating the most comprehensive, unstyled, operable, and accessible library available for Framer and yes all prefabs and utilities will always be open source.

Will you ever monetize this?

Right now we have small ideas on how to monetize this without breaking away from the mission of the open source project. We are considering selling additional assets built with the prefabs and utilities, more advance patterns as a way for people to learn more and or work faster. We will never change the status of any of our prefabs to be not open-source.

Will this project be maintained?

Yes that is the plan! We are passionate designers and developers who want to empower the awesome framer community to build how they want and still accessbile. The project will continued to be maintained and the life span as an open source project will remain open on github. You can always fork it as well and keep it forever. That