
Welcome to Framer Prefabs, an open-source framework designed to help you build accessible and intelligent components for any Framer project. Framer Prefabs provides a growing set of open source prefabs/utilities that grant you powerful functionality, enabling you to build what you need without compromising accessibility or design.

The Purpose and Goal

Framer Prefabs was created to empower Framer users to design and build functional components without sacrificing Framer's power or accessibility. We posed the question:

What if we could enhance our usual design process in Framer by seamlessly integrating functionality and accessibility, all without writing a single line of code?

There are many solutions out there, from custom forms to code overrides, but all seemed to compromise what we love about Framer: the ability to design and create directly on the canvas. Thus, the concept of prefabs was born. We decided against including any styling or animations, leaving all design control to you, the creator of your project. Inspired by Ark UI and Radix UI, Prefabs supply the backbone for creating semantic HTML where possible, assigning accessible aria-attributes and roles, and building functionality that Framer might lack. Think headless UI.

We're proud to offer a growing repertoire of robust prefabs and utilities, unlocking the potential of many projects and enabling users to build more accessible components. We hope our project underscores the importance of accessibility in design and supercharges components to deliver the functionality you need.